Localidades Atendidas

New York County | Manhattan

Quiénes Somos

The Manhattan Legal Services Public Benefits unit helps people access and retain government benefits so they can maintain enough income to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads. We assist clients whose government benefits are being wrongfully denied, inaccurately calculated, or improperly terminated. We represent families and individuals for whom Unemployment Insurance, Food Stamps, Medicaid/Medicare and other public assistance and Safety Net programs are a critical lifeline.

En Español Ayudamos a los clientes cuyos beneficios del gobierno están siendo injustamente negados, calculado erróneamente, o mal terminado.

Upper Manhattan:
1 West 125th Street, 2nd Floor
New York, New York 10027

Lower Manhattan:
40 Worth Street, Suite 606
New York, New York 10013

At this time we are offering remote services. Call LSNYC’s Access Line at (917) 661-4500, Mon-Fri from 10am-4pm. Existing clients may call or email their advocates at their direct phone numbers.
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Última revisión: October 16, 2015