Advance Care Planning (ACP) is a way to plan for your future medical care if you can't make decisions yourself. ACP is more than just paperwork. It is a way to ensure your wishes are known and respected, even if you can't speak for yourself during a medical crisis.

To start Advance Care Planning:

  1. Discuss your preferences with your loved ones and healthcare providers.
  2. Clarify and document your values, beliefs, and goals regarding medical treatment.
  3. Choose a spokesperson (Health Care Agent) and an alternate spokesperson to make medical decisions on your behalf if you can't speak for yourself.
  4. Discuss your end-of-life wishes, including organ donation, with your spokesperson, alternate spokesperson, and trusted individuals.
  5. Fill out the New York Health Care Proxy and Living Will forms to specify your preferences in writing.
  6. Regularly review and update these forms, especially after major life changes.
  7. Keep ongoing discussions and updates about your end-of-life wishes with your spokesperson and trusted individuals.

ACP brings peace of mind by reducing uncertainty and preventing conflicts over your care. It's a thoughtful and caring process that involves your loved ones and healthcare team in planning for your future well-being.

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Última revisión: July 24, 2023