Localidades Atendidas

Albany County Rensselaer County Saratoga County Schenectady County Warren County Washington County

Quiénes Somos

Mediation Matters provides conflict resolution services to empower the participants to explore whatever topics they have between them and gain a better understanding of how they might address those topics as constructively as possible in the future.

We work with the community in a number of areas including: small claims court cases; parenting plan matters; neighborhood or other community issues; interpersonal issues with youth & the adults in their lives; school staff, students, and families; workplace matters; and so forth.

All of our services are tailored to support the individuals participating.

How to Get Help

Please call 518-446-0356 Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

You can also use our Contact Form on our website to ask us any question, and we will connect with you.

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Última revisión: May 3, 2020