Localidades Atendidas

Nassau County Suffolk County

Quiénes Somos

The Mortgage Foreclosure Project provides free mortgage foreclosure legal consultation clinics and pro bono representation to homeowners at court-mandated settlement conferences, as well as advice to residents who call, email or come to the NCBA.

The consultation clinics are uniquely designed to bring as many mortgage foreclosure resources as possible together in one room. The consultation clinics prior to the pandemic were held twice every month from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM at the NCBA headquarters. Currently, homeowners may call or email the NCBA and receive virtual consultation by appointment.

Residents pre-register for appointments to ensure the proper consultation. Clinic staff and volunteer attorneys, as well as translation service volunteer attorneys who are trained through the Project, receive instructions and related information, for responding to clinic attendees to use as a consultation guide. This may include referral to a bankruptcy attorney volunteer or the Attorney General if fraud is involved.

The attorneys meet one-on-one with the homeowners during which the attorneys assess the financial situation and current stage of the foreclosure process.

They give advice, explain the process, provide options, and refer them to the appropriate HOPP agency when eligible.

Those needing loan modifications can immediately meet with HUD-certified housing counselors, all assembled in the same room.

Having all of these services in one room enables the Project to focus on helping those, who are in or at risk of losing their homes and enables recipients to obtain counseling and legal services in one place at the same time. It supports counseling on various topics related to foreclosure as well as improving their knowledge to enable them to be empowered. We have found this collaborative format to be the most beneficial to homeowners.

The second arm of the Project is to provide attorneys in court at all Mandatory Conferences. Thus a homeowner never has to fear that they are alone with the financial institution. Rather a pro bono attorney will represent them “for the day” and counsel them as to their options, as well as refer them to a HOPP agency if eligible.

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Última revisión: August 17, 2020