Localidades Atendidas

Nassau County

Quiénes Somos

The Nassau County Department of Senior Citizen Affairs is responsible for advising the County Executive and government officials on the problems and needs of the County's 257,000 residents age 60 and over. As the official Area Agency on Aging for Nassau County, the Department develops a county-wide plan to provide services that assist older persons to remain independent and living in their own homes. The Department serves as a funding agency for programs offered by other voluntary and government agencies. It provides more than 90 programs in the areas of health, housing, employment, legal services, volunteerism, home care, transportation, nutrition, etc., to improve the quality of life for older persons. The Department also serves as an advocate for the elderly. In addition to the main office in Uniondale, the Department operates two five-day-a-week multi-purpose senior centers. In cooperation with local community agencies, the Department maintains 16 additional senior centers which provide daily hot lunches and social and recreational programs, six Adult Day Service Centers, and eleven Senior Lunch Programs.

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Última revisión: July 1, 2015