Localidades Atendidas

Westchester County

Quiénes Somos

The Office for the Aging was established in March 1974 to provide services to the City of Yonkers residents 60 years of age and over. The department provides a comprehensive array of community support services. Residents 60 years of age and over, their families, and others concerned about older friends and neighbors are urged to reach out to the Office for the Aging for information, advice, and expert hands-on assistance with the demands and activities of an older person’s daily life at home and in the community.

There is no fee for any Office for the Aging service. Voluntary contributions are suggested for meals and transportation. Programs are funded by the City of Yonkers and federal and state grants through NYS and Westchester County Department of Senior Programs and Services. 

How to Get Help

Please call (914) 377-6823 Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

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Última revisión: December 6, 2017