Localidades Atendidas

Nassau County Suffolk County

Quiénes Somos

Nassau Suffolk Law Services is a nonprofit, public interest law firm that provides free legal assistance in civil matters to low income and disabled Long Islanders. The Reentry Unit helps people to reintegrate into the community after facing criminal charges by helping them to address criminal history-related civil legal issues.

Examples of cases the Reentry Unit will consider include:

  • Employment discrimination;
  • Section 8 Problems;
  • Certificates of relief from civil disability/certificates of good conduct;
  • Denial of professional license; and
  • Denial of employment due to prior neglect/abuse findings (at the ALJ level).

Our locations:

Hempstead Office 
1 Helen Keller Way – 5th Floor
Hempstead, NY 11550
(516) 292-8100

Islandia Office
1757 Veterans Highway – Suite 50
Islandia, NY 11749
(631) 232-2400

How to Get Help

Please call during our regular business hours, Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Suffolk residents please call (631) 232-2400. Nassau residents please call (516) 292-8100.

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Última revisión: October 29, 2020