[caption id="attachment_6136" align="alignleft" width="274"]Map charts domestic violence cases in New York City. Map charts domestic violence cases in New York City.[/caption]

Who would have imagined that the primary killer of women in NYC is domestic violence!  Even with all the awareness, education, and dedicated community groups, in 2012, 68% of all murders of women in our city were related to domestic violence, up from 54% in 2011.  The highest rates of domestic violence are taking place in Brooklyn and the Bronx.

What more can be done to help these vulnerable women?  What can be done to stop the increase in domestic violence cases?  There are several challenges to helping reduce instances of domestic violence.  First, the topic continues to be taboo.  Many people, especially victims, continue to avoid discussing it out of shame or fear.  Second, many victims are still unaware of how they can quickly and safely access assistance.  

For example, in NYC there is the Domestic Violence Hotline at (800) 621-HOPE which can help a women find a free shelter.  LawHelpNY will soon be launching an pilot SMS project that will provide immigrant women of domestic violence with vital information about emergency assistance and about their rights. By using either of these programs, victims of domestic violence in NYC can take the first step to rebuilding a safe life.


Learn More Empower yourself, you have rights!  Visit LawHelpNY' section on domestic violence to learn about the rights and protections available to you.  Click here to visit the webpage.