new york city free law clinics, sandy recovery, disaster legal helpToday marks the first anniversary of Superstorm Sandy.  On October 29, 2012, Sandy blasted New York City with a record storm surge as high as 13 feet, as well as the Jersey Shore and New England, ultimately killing 159 people along the East Coast and damaging more than 650,000 homes. The storm caused $70 billion in damage across eight states. It's now become one of the most destructive storms in the nation's history.There are still many community groups on the ground helping families and individuals with recovery.  Thanks to generous donations from the New York Community Trust FundNew York Bar Foundation, and IOLA, we continue our small part in providing vital information and resources to families and the groups assisting them.  Since October 29, 2013 our disaster recovery resources whether be on our blog, website, or via social media has received over 90,000 unique visitors!

Below is a recap of these efforts.

If you're on Twitter make sure to follow #Sandy1Year and see the collection of pics and resources being shared in memory.  If you have your own Sandy story, make sure to share!

Here are four resources for families still dealing with recovery:

Disaster Topic and Sandy Recover Blog's Disaster & Recovery section includes a collection of "know your rights" resources and legal referrals to organizations providing free legal help.

includes answers to commonly-asked questions regarding housing, insurance, FEMA benefits and more.

Online FEMA Appeal Form

This free online program for residents in the Hurricane Sandy Disaster Zone will help you appeal from a denial by FEMA, or payment of less than the amount you claimed. To do this, the program will prepare an appeal letter and a request for your FEMA file.


New York Free Disaster Legal Clinics

If you or someone you know has been affected by Sandy and have questions related to FEMA, food stamps, disaster unemployment insurance, housing and other landlord-tenant matters, small business concerns, etc. Check out this calendar to learn about free daily legal clinics happening in your area.