Locations Served

New York County | Manhattan

Who We Are

Lenox Hill Neighborhood House, the oldest and largest provider of educational and social services on Manhattan's Upper East Side, serves thousands of individuals each year. The Legal Advocacy Department assumes a team approach to service, with lawyers, social workers, educators and advocates working together to address the whole needs of the client within the context of other social service issues being addressed.

The Department represents clients in a wide range of legal issues including housing, access to health care, government benefits, and advance directives.

  • For Housing/Eviction prevention issues, we serve tenants on Manhattan's East Side, from 59th Street to 143rd Street and on Roosevelt Island, plus tenants living in the 10026 and 10027 zip codes; income limit is 200% FPL.

  • For Health Care issues, and in our SNAP, SCRIE/DRIE and Advance Care projects, we primarily serve clients from Manhattan's East Side, but we can also consider cases from other areas and there are no strict income limits.

How to Get Help

At this time we are offering remote services in the following areas: health care access/Medicare/Medicaid; health insurance enrollment; end-of-life planning and advance directives; SNAP. Please call our hotline at (212) 218-0503 or see below for specific area information:

  • For SNAP Benefits eligibility and help applying, call (212) 218-0503, press 2, and leave a message.

  • For SCRIE call (212) 218-0503 & press 6.
    Find out if you are eligible for Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption and get assistance with applying or recertifying.

  • For Health Insurance Enrollment call (212) 218-0432.
    Assistance with finding and enrolling in an affordable health insurance program.

  • For Health Care Access/Medicare/Medicaid call (212) 218-0503 & press 3.
    Find out about Medicare Savings Programs, Medicare Home Care, Medicare Part D, Medicaid Spend-Down, EPIC and if you are eligible for Medicaid.

  • For End-of-Life Planning/Advance Directives call (212) 218-0503 & press 4.
    Counseling and individualized drafting of Advance Directives, including Health Care Proxies, Living Wills, Powers of Attorney, and simple Wills.
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Last Reviewed: May 4, 2020