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Law Help NY can help you understand the law and your legal rights as a tenant (renter). Some rules protect all tenants in New York State, other rules depend on where you live. This page does not include the special rules or protections for people who live in New York City.
To see all the Law Help articles about NY housing law, including the ones that are only for NYC, visit our Housing topic page.
Tenant and landlord responsibilities Learn about the rules for landlords and tenants, including receipts, rent increase notices, security deposits, late fees, and property damage.
Housing Discrimination is against the law Who is protected by fair housing laws, what are the protections, and what you can do if you face unfair treatment.
Your rights when the rent increases Landlords cannot surprise you with rent increases. Learn more about the rules and your rights.
Your right to good living conditions As a tenant, you have the right to a livable, safe, and sanitary (clean) home. Learn how to notify your landlord and report problems.
Your right to make a complaint Tenants have a right to complain about their living conditions to the landlord or a government agency. The landlord cannot punish you for making a complaint.
Your rights in mobile home parks Learn the rules about tenant protections on rent increases and rent-to-own agreements.
What is an illegal eviction? Landlords need to follow rules and timelines in the eviction process. They cannot try to evict you by changing your locks or other illegal actions.
What happens in an eviction? Your landlord starts an eviction case by serving (giving) you a Notice of Petition and Petition to go to court. Learn about the steps and the timeline.
What are the steps in an eviction for not paying rent If the landlord wants to evict you for not paying your rent, they must notify you and follow these steps.
My landlord wants me to leave This article and video will help you understand what you can do if your landlord wants to evict you.
Tips to get ready for housing court A checklist can help you get ready for housing court. You won't need or have everything on the list. And there may be some other things you should bring too.
Create a Vacate Default Judgment form (housing court) If you missed your court date and the judge made a decision against you, the "Vacate Default Judgment" form asks the judge to cancel their decision.