It's hard to apply for public assistance. Here are some helpful tips:

  • Keep notes and copies of documents when you are dealing with the Department of Social Services (DSS). Conversations may not be in your DSS records, and it can be hard to remember later. Send important information and documents in writing, either on paper or through online platforms like myBenefits or the NYDocSubmit app. Then you have a clear record of your communication. 
  • Include details in your notes. Write down dates, topics discussed, and the names of DSS representatives you talk to. Keep copies of all paperwork, including envelopes. These help prove timelines in case of mistakes.
  • You have the right to request more time or get help from the DSS office.
  • If you can't fix a problem with DSS representatives, you can ask for a Fair Hearing to present your case to a judge and protect your benefits.
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Last Reviewed: May 29, 2024