(For Fair Housing across the rest of New York state, read "How do I protect myself against housing discrimination?"
A landlord or seller in New York City cannot discriminate because of your:
- Age
- Gender or Gender Identity
- Race
- Disability
- Color
- Pregnancy
- Religion or beliefs
- Sexual Orientation
- National Origin
- Marital or Partnership Status
- Source of Income (using government-provided rental assistance such as Section 8, LINC, or FEPS or any form of public assistance including Cash Assistance and Social Security Income towards rent)
- Occupation (job)
- Immigration Status
- If you have children
- Status as a Victim of Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence or Stalking
You have one year to file a complaint about discrimination.
The Law Enforcement Bureau of the New York City Commission on Human Rights handles complaints, for free. Call 718-722-3131 or 311, and ask for the New York City Commission on Human Rights.
Learn more about how to File a Fair Housing Complaint in NYC.
Learn more about how to protect yourself against housing discrimination.
Last Reviewed: December 5, 2024