This resource is designed for residents of Nassau and Suffolk counties. If you live in New York City, learn more about getting your landlord to make repairs.

You have a right to a home in good condition. Any landlord who rents you a place to live must keep it in safe and decent condition. Your landlord must keep your home in good repair even if you don't have a lease.

Create a "record" of the problem(s) and notify your landlord first

Write down the details of the problem, like a leak, broken oven, or a lack of services like heat or hot water. If possible, take a photo. This "record" can help if you talk to a lawyer or go to court in the future. You should also maintain a log of when you have no heat, hot water, or cooking gas.

You should also send a message to your landlord asking for repairs. Include a list of all the repairs you need and a reasonable date that you’d like the repairs completed by.

Keep a copy and add this message to your "record".

If your landlord does not fix the problem, there are other steps you can take:

Option 1. Call your town’s housing or building inspector (sometimes called the code enforcement officer)

Check with your city, village, or town clerk or the Nassau County or Suffolk County health departments to see who can do an inspection. The inspector will visit and report any violations of the housing code on a “Notice and Order.”

A copy of the notice will be sent to the landlord approximately 5-7 days after the inspection. The notice will say how soon the problems must be fixed. You may not receive a copy of the notice, but you can pick up a copy at your town hall.

Even if the landlord ignores it, it is best to get the inspection done to serve as proof of the problems that need to be fixed.

You can also contact Long Island Housing Services for more help.

Option 2. File an action in the District Court, under the District Court Act

You will need to be prepared to prove that conditions exist and that the landlord is responsible. 

Option 3. You could also choose to make the repairs yourself or hire someone to do it

This is an extreme action to take that is risky and rarely recommended.

If you are moving forward with repairs, you must:

  • Write to your landlord. Give a final deadline to fix the problems and explain that otherwise you will hire someone to do it and the cost will be deducted from next month’s rent payment. Make sure your landlord is receiving your messages.
  • Keep a copy of the letters and receipts for all parts or labor.
  • Make sure the costs are reasonable.
  • Include a letter explaining the work you did when you mail next month's rent. Explain why you made the change and how much it cost.
  • Make sure to send copies of the receipts and keep the originals in case you need to show them to a judge if the landlord tries to evict you.

Option 4. In case of serious problems affecting your health and safety, you may choose to withhold rent

If possible, talk to a lawyer or organization focusing on housing issues before taking this step and put the rent money aside. Contact your health department and Long Island Housing Services for more help.

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Last Reviewed: April 29, 2024